Post re edited 02/07/20 - The photo is of an older version to what is linked.
On all our climbs and expeditions we have always carried with us a trauma pouch designed to treat time critical life threatening conditions. We have previously used one available on the market. But we wanted to tweak this and make it more suitable for expedition leaders. We have now found all the ingredients to make our own expedition leader trauma pouch. Keep in mind that you may want to change the contents slightly depending on your destination, group and activity. The one item missing from this kit is a roll of 5cm wide leucoplast zinc oxide tape.
Size – 18cm x 14cm x 9cm
Weight – 660gm
So what is in it…
The Pouch – It is the Predator IA medical pouch which is a 1.2litre bag made with water resistant material and rot proof thread. Made by Karrimoor SF it is a super durable zip sealed bag with enough pockets and elastic loops to hold everything. There are only two elastic loops when you purchase it so we stitched these to make spaces for the contents. It also comes with a back that can be strapped and clipped to most likely what ever you want. The bag is then attached by a large sheet of velcro. £24.04
Chest seal* – The Russel Chest Seal developed by Prometheus Medical. £13.30 purchased from Prometheus Medical.
Prometheus chito gauze* – The chito gauze is a haemostatic agent that is a great size for this pouch. From Prometheus Medical £25.00
Face shield – Laedal face shield. £1.86 from SP Services.
TiCN Trauma Sheers – £4.00 from Prometheus Medical.
Prometheus trauma dressing* – Developed by Prometheus Medical. From Prometheus Medical. £3.50
Bear Claw nitrile gloves – These are very tough gloves, but harder to know if they have been punctured as they do not rip so easily. They come in a box of 100 pairs which costs £22.50 so £0.23 for each pair. From Prometheus Medical
Nasal Pharyngeal Airway (NPA): 7mm and 6mm – £6.90 for the pair. From SP Services.
SOF® Tactical Tourniquet Wide* – £28.14 From SP Services.
Marker pen – We find the best marker pens are the retractable sharpie pens, as you do not loose the lid. Because this pouch is small we use the mini sharpie pens that can be purchased in most stationary shops. £1.50
Epi Pen – You will need to order this through your doctor. It is very common these days to be on expeditions and have people that do suffer from anaphylactic allergic reactions, but they do not always carry an Epi Pen with them. They are expensive and do only have relatively short shelf lives. You can expect to pay £40.00 for one unless you are lucky enough to live in Wales where the NHS can provide them for free.
ARS needle – Decompression Needle. £17.94 from Tactree.
Glow stick (not shown on the image above) – To mark a casualties position. £1.44 each from Tactree.
About the Author: I work as an expedition guide, safety consultant and production manager. In short I keep people safe and happy so that they can achieve their goals. Click here to find more about me and what services I can offer.